

1.  Dislocation etchpits in Ag. Al intermetallic phase Joy George & J. D. Motte, J. App. Phys. 36, 10 (1966).
2.  An electron microscopic investigation of explosively loaded copper Joy George Phil. Mag, 15, 493 (1967).
3.  Growth and morphology of pthalic anhydric crystals Joy George and S.K. Premachandran J. Crystal Growth 37, 189 (1977).
4.  Selective delineation of dislocations in K2O-SrO-Nb2O5 Joy George and S.K. Premachandran J. Phys. D. 10, 1467 (1977).
5.  Coevaporated antimony trisulphide films Joy George and M.K. Radhakrishnan Solid St. Comm. 33, 987 (1980).
6.  Growth and morphology of pthalic anhydric crystals Joy George and S.K. Premachandran J. Crystal Growth 37, 189 (1977).
7.  Selective delineation of dislocations in K2O-SrO-Nb2O5 Joy George and S.K. Premachandran J. Phys. D. 10, 1467 (1977).
8.  Coevaporated antimony trisulphide films Joy George and M.K. Radhakrishnan Solid St. Comm. 33, 987 (1980).
9.  Variation of electrical resistance with temperature for Bi/Ag bilayer films Joy George and E.C. Joy Thin Solid Films 74, 153 (1980).
10.  Electrical behavior of metal contacts to Sb2S3 films Joy George and M.K. Radhakrishnan Ind. J. Pure and App. Phys. 18, 311 (1980).
11.  Effect of annealing of indium electrode films in the electrical resistivity of thin metal films Joy George, E.G. Joy and M.K. Radhakrishnan Thin Solid Films, 68, 289 (1980)
12.  Dislocation studies on potassium acid phthalate crystals Joy George and S.K. Premachandran HJ. Phys. D. 14, 1277 (1981).
13.  Space charge limited conduction in Sb2S3 films Joy George and M.K. Radhakrishnan J. Phys. D 14, 899 (1981).
14.  A temperature controller adaptor for a microvoltmeter Joy George, K.S. Joseph and C.K. Valsalakumari.  Int. J. Elec. 52, 299 (1982).
15.  Absorption edge measurements in tin disulphide thin films Joy George and K.S. Joseph J. Phys. D 15, 1109 (1982).
16.  Absorption edge of tin disulphide crystals Joy George, C.K. Valsalakumari and K.S. Joseph J. Appl. Phys. 5347 (1983).
17.  Growth and characterization of tin disulphide crystals Joy George and C.K. Valsalakumari J. Cryst. Growth 63, 233 (1983).
18.  Effect of heating in electrical and optical properties of tin disulphide films Joy George and K.S. Joseph J. Phys. D 16, 33 (1983).
19.  Transparent conductive films Joy George and K.S. Joseph Solid St. Comm. 46, 541 (1983).
20.  Amorphous films of CuS Joy George and K.S. Joseph Solid St. Comm. 48, 601 (1983).
21.  Electrical characterization of tin disulphide crystals Joy George and C.K. Valsalakumari Solid St. Comm. 49, 103 (1984).
22.  Electrical properties of SnSe2 single crystals Joy George and C.K. Val- salakumari Proc. Solid St. Phys. Symp. BARC (1984).
23.  Deformation and fracture characterization of DAHC crystals Joy George and Peter Ibid.
24.  SnTe film prepared by three temperature method Joy George and K.S. Joseph Proc. SSP Symp. BARC (1984).
25.  SnTe film prepared by three temperature method Joy George and T.I. Palson Solid St. Phys. Symp. BARC (1984).
26.  Relatively evaporated copper sulphide films Joy George and K.S. Joseph J. Phys. Chem. Solid 45, 341 (1984).
27.  A variable speed light chopper using a feedback controlled DC motor. J. George, K. S. Joseph, T. I. Palson and B. Pradeep. Int. J. Electronics, Vol.54, No.2, 361-364 (1984).
28.  Preparation and properties of co-evaporated bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) thin films. J. George and B. Pradeep. Solid State Commun., Vol. 56, No.1, 117-120 (1985).
29.  Method for the preparation of dielectric films by activated reactive evaporation using resistively heated sources. J. George,  B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Rev. Sci. Instrum., Vol.57, No.9, 2355-6 (1986).
30.  Oxidation of Bismuth films in air and super-heated steam. J. George, B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Thin Solid Films, Vol.144, No.2, 255-264 (1986).
31.  X-ray diffraction studies of Bi2O3 films prepared by reactive and activated reactive evaporation. J. George, B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Thin Solid Films, Vol.148, No.2, 181-189 (1987).
32.  Preparation of heat mirrors using bismuth oxide films. J.George, B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Physica Status Solidi (a), Vol.100, No.2, 513-519 (1987).
33.  Reactively evaporated films of Indium sulphide J. George, K. S. Joseph, B. Pradeep and T. I. Palson. Physica Status Solidi (a), Vol.106, 123-131, (1988).
34.  Optical properties of β-Bi2O3 thin films J. George, B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Physica Status Solidi (a), Vol.106, 123-131 (1988).
35.  A field stabilized electromagnet for Hall effect studies J. George, K. S. Joseph, B. Pradeep, T. I. Palson and V. Narayanankutty. Am. J. Phys., Vol.57, No.2, 184, (1989).
36.  Electrical and optical properties of Bismuth sulphide (Bi2S3) thin films prepared by reactive evaporation. Jolly Lukose and B. Pradeep. Solid State Commun., Vol.77, No.6, 535-38 (1991).
37.  Polycrystalline Bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3) thin films prepared by reactive evaporation. K. Jacob John, B. Pradeep and Elizabeth Mathai. Solid State Commun., Vol.83, No.7, 501-503 (1992).
38.  Electrical properties of Bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3) thin films prepared by reactive evaporation. K. Jacob John, B. Pradeep and Elizabeth Mathai. Solid State Commun., Vol.85, No.10, 879-81 (1993).
39.  Oxide films of copper prepared by the oxidation of copper sulphide films. K. S. Joseph and B. Pradeep. Pramana, Vol.42, No.1, 41-47 (1994).
40.  Tin selenide (SnSe) thin films prepared by reactive evaporation. K. J. John, B. Pradeep and E. Mathai. J. Material Science, Vol.29, 1581-83 (1994).
41.  Preparation and characterization of indium oxide (In2O3) films by activated reactive evaporation. M. D. Benoy and B. Pradeep. Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol.20, No.8, 1029-1038 (1997).
42.  Optical properties of indium oxide films prepared by activated reactive evaporation. M. D. Benoy and B. Pradeep. Indian J. Pure & Appl. Phys., Vol. 36, No.11, 686 - 89 (1998).
43.  Transport properties of silver selenide from 100K to 300K. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Materials Letters, Vol.56, p.491-495, (2002).
44.  Crystal field and spin-orbit interaction at the fundamental gap of the ordered vacancy compound CuIn4Se7. Rachel Reena Philip and B. Pradeep. Semiconductor Sci. & Tech., Vol.17, p.1157-1161 (2002).
45.  Structural, electrical and optical properties of silver selenide thin films. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol.17, p.261-265, (2002).
46.  Electrical properties of silver selenide thin films prepared by reactive evaporation. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Bulletin of Materials Science, Vol.25, No.5, p.407-411, (2002).
47.  Photo-electrical properties of silver indium selenide thin films. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. J. Material Science Letters, Vol.22. p.287-291 (2003).
48.  Effect of annealing on the optical properties of B2O3-Li2O-PbO glass thin films. Sindhu A. Kartha, M. A. Ittyachan, B. Pradeep and M. Abdul Khadar. J. Material Science Letters. Vol.22, p.9-11, (2003).
49.  Structural analysis and optical and electrical characterization of the ordered defect compound CuIn5Se8.. Rachel Reena Philip and B. Pradeep. Semiconductor Sci. & Tech., Vol. 18, p.768-773 (2003).
50.  Investigations of the electrical properties in CuIn5Se8 and the related ordered vacancy compounds. R. R. Philip, B. Pradeep, G. S. Okram and V. Ganesan. Semicond. Sci. Technol. 19, 798-806 ( 2004).
51.  Formation and properties of AgInSe2 thin films by co-evaporation. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Vacuum, Vol.72, p.369-378 (2004).
52.  NIR-FT Raman and infrared spectra and ab initio computations of glycinium oxalate. D. Sajan, J. Binoy, B. Pradeep, K. Venkata Krishna, V. B. Kartha, I. Hubert Joe and V. S. Jayakumar. SpectrochimicaActa, Part A, Vol.60 p.173-180 (2004).
53.  Photoconductivity in the ordered vacancy compound CuIn5Se8 . Rachel Reena Philip, B. Pradeep, T. Shripathi. Applied Surface Science, Vol.250, pp.216-222 (2005).
54.  Spin orbit and tetragonal crystalline field interaction in the valence band of CuInSe2 related ordered vacancy compound CuIn7Se12. R. R. Philip, B. Pradeep and T. Shripathi, Physica Status Solidi (b), Vol.242, pp.1027-35 (2005).
55.  Non-ideal anion displacement, band gap variation and valence band splitting in Cu-In- Se compounds. Rachel Reena Philip and B. Pradeep. Thin Solid Films, Vol 472, pp. 136-143 (2005).
56.  Thickness dependence of the properties of indium tin oxide (ITO) films prepared by activated reactive evaporation. M. D. Benoy, E. M. Mohammed, Suresh Babu M., Binu P. J. , and B. Pradeep. Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 39, no. 4, pp.629-632, December, (2009).
57.  Electrical properties of indium tin oxide thin films prepared by activated reactive evaporation. M. D. Benoy, Binu P. J., Suresh Babu M, E. M. Mohammed and B. Pradeep. Science and Society, Vol.7, No.2, pp.119-127 (2009).
58.  Effect of H+ irradiation on the optical properties of vacuum evaporated AgInSe2 thin films. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Applied Surface Science, Vol.255, pp.8324-8327 (2009).
59.  Optical constants of co-evaporated Ag2Se thin films with proton irradiation. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Journal of Ovonic Research, Vol. 6, No. 3, p. 143 – 148 (2010).
60.  Photoconductivity in the ordered vacancy compound CuIn7Se12. Rachel Reena Philip, B. Pradeep and Dhanya S. Materials Science: An Indian Journal, Vol.6 (4), p. 224-229 (2010).
61.  Effect of He+ irradiation on the optical properties of vacuum evaporated silver indium selenide thin films. M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.495, pp.284-287 (2010).
62.  The effect of Ga Doping on the physical properties of lead sulphide thin films. Reshmi Radhakrishnan, Hiba Rahman, Dhanya S, Geethu R, Nafsia Karim, Faseela K, Sreenivasan P.V, Pradeep B and Rachel Reena Philip. Proc. of International Conference on Optics: Materials, Devices and Characterization, AIP Conference Proceedings 1391, p.755-757 (2011).
63.  Optoelectronic properties of nanostructured cadmium sulphide thin films. R. Geethu , Dhanya S, Sreenivasan P V, NamithaAshokan, Pradeep B and Rachel Reena Philip. Proc. of International Conference on Optics: Materials, Devices and Characterization, AIP Conference Proceedings 1391, p.585-587 (2011).
64.  Effect of Ga incorporation on valence band splitting of OVC CuIn3Se5 thin films. Rachel Reena Philip, Dhanya S, Namitha, and B. Pradeep. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.72, No.4, p.294-298 (2011).
65.  Band gap variation in co-evaporated AgInSe2 thin films with 1.26 MeV He+ ion irradiation. M.C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Indian Journal of Physics, Vol.85, No.3, p.401-409 (2011).
66.  Structural, optical, electrical and low temperature thermoelectric studies on the ordered vacancy compound AgGa3Se5. Rajani Jacob, Geethu R, Shripathi T, Okram G S, Ganesan V, Pradeep B, Urmila KS and Rachel Reena Philip. Physica Status Solidi (b), p.1-6 (2012).
67.  Structural, optical, electrical and low temperature thermoelectric properties of degenerate polycrystalline Cu7Se4 thin films. K. S. Urmila, T. NamithaAsokan, R. R. Philip, V. Ganesan, G. S. Okram, and B. Pradeep. Physica Status Solidi (b) (2013).
68.  Structural studies and valence band splitting parameters in ordered vacancy compound AgGa7Se12. Rajani Jacob, R. Geethu, T. Shripathi, V. Ganesan, U. P. Deshpande , ShilpaTripathi, B. Pradeep and Rachel Reena Philip. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Material, Vol.23, p.424– 431 (2013).
69.  A study on optical and electrical properties and phonon drag effect in low temperature TEP measurements of reactive evaporated AgSbSe2 thin films. T. NamithaAsokan , K. S. Urmila , Rajani Jacob, Rachel Reena Philip, G.S. Okram, V. Ganesan and B. Pradeep. Journal of Semiconductors (2014).


1.  Bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) films prepared by activated reactive evaporation. J. George, B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Proc. of Solid State Physics Symposium, Dec.27th-30th, 1985, Nagpur University Nagpur, Vol.28C, p.335.
2.     Thermal oxidation studies of Bismuth films. J. George, B. Pradeep and K. S. Joseph. Proceedings of XVII National Seminar on Crystallography, Dec.20th - 22nd 1985, I.I.T., Madras, p.31.
3.  Preparation of PbSe films by reactive evaporation. M. D. Benoy and B. Pradeep. Fifth IUMRS International Conference in Asia, IISc, Bangalore, Oct. 13 – 16 (1998 ).
4.  Preparation and optical properties of silver selenide thin films M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep Presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science (NCMS-2000), September 29-30, Nehru Memorial College, Tiruchirappalli.
5.  Electrical and optical properties of PbSe thin films. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Symposium on fundamentals of crystal growth, Crystal growth Center, Anna University, Madras, Nov. 6-7 ( 2000 ).
6.  Variation of optical and electrical properties of ITO films with substrate temperature. M. D. Benoy and B. Pradeep National conference on recent advances in materials, Nehru Memorial College, Trichi, Sept. 29-30 ( 2000 ).
7.  Preparation and properties of Silver Selenide thin films by reactive evaporation. M. C. Santhosh Kumar and B. Pradeep. Presented in International symposium on advances in superconductivity & magnetism: Materials, Mechanisms & Devices, September 25-28, 2001, Mangalore University, Mangalore.
8.  Molecular Geometry and Density functional theoretical calculation on the Herbicide,2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. DJ Satheesh, D Sajan, B Pradeep, I Hubert Joe and V S Jayakumar Proceedings of INCONS 2005, Chennai, International conference on Spectrophysics- 2005 Feb. 9-12  pp.39.
9.  Determination of Vibrational Spectral Properties of 2, 4-D. DJ Satheesh, D Sajan, B Pradeep, I Hubert Joe and VS Jayakumar International conference on Perspectives in Vibrational Spectroscopy, ICOPVS Feb. 25-28, 2006, CCS University, Meerut-250 001.
10.  Preparation and characterization of silver selenide thin films. V. Arun and B. Pradeep. Proc. of the DAE Solid State Physics Symposium Dec. 27-31, 2007, Mysore University, Mysore, Vol.52, p. 551.
11.  Structural and optical characterization of In2O3 thin films prepared by activated reactive evaporation technique ReenaRajan, V. Arun and B. Pradeep. Proceedings of the National Conference on Nanophotonic Materials- NCNM-2008, October 10-12, 2008, Dept.of Physics, CUSAT, Kochi-22, p.41-42.
12.  Preparation of Aluminium oxide thin films using activated reactive evaporation. ReenaRajan, V. Arun and B. Pradeep. Proc. of the National Seminar on Advances in Materials Science, February 4-5, 2008, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, NSAMS-2008, p.139.
13.  Influence of selenium flux on the stoichiometry of silver selenide thin film. V. Arun and B. Pradeep. Proc. of the National Seminar on Advances in Materials Science, February 4-5, 2008, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, NSAMS-2008, p.68.
14.  Preparation and Characterization of CuS thin films. Saji S. K and B. Pradeep Proc. of the National Seminar on Photonic Materials (NSPM2009), February 26-28, 2009, Dept. of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram-695 581. p.49.
15.  Photoluminescence study of copper selenide thin films.  K. S. Urmila, T. NamithaAsokan, and B. Pradeep AIP Conf. Proc. 1391, p.770-772 (2011).
16.  Preparation and optical characterization of Copper Selenide thin films. Urmila KS, NamithaAsokan T and B. Pradeep Proc. of the XXXV Optical Society of India Symposium: International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Optics and Optoelectronics, Jan.17-19, 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, India, p. 543.
17.  Optical characterization of lead selenide thin films prepared by reactive evaporation. NamithaAsokan T, Urmila K. S., B. Pradeep and Rachel Reena Philip. Proc. of the XXXV Optical Society of India Symposium: International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Optics and Optoelectronics, Jan. 17-19, 2011, Thiruvananthapuram, India, p. 541.
18.  Structural and electrical studies of reactively evaporated lead selenide thin film. Simi George, NamithaAsokan T, Urmila K. S, Anuroop. R and Pradeep B, Proc. of the National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM 2014), October 16-17, Dept. Physics, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur.
19.  Structural, optical, and electrical Studies of reactively evaporated tin disulfide thin film. Anuroop. R, B. Pradeep, Proc. of the National Seminar on Current Trends in material Science, August 13- 14, 2014, Dept.of Physics, Aquinas College, Edacochin.
20.  SnSe thin films – a prospective material for thermoelectric applications. Urmila K. S, NamithaAsokan T, Pradeep B., Proc. of the National Conference on Advanced Materials (NCAM 2014), October 16-17, Dept. Physics, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur.
21.  Photoconductivity in reactively evaporated copper indium selenide thin films. Urmila K.S, NamithaAsokan T, B. Pradeep, Geethu R, Rajani Jacob and Rachel Reena Philip AIP Conf.Proc. 1576, p.69-72 (2014).
22.  Structural and Optical studies on AgSbSe2 thin films. NamithaAsokan T, Urmila K. S and B. Pradeep. AIP Conf. Proc. 1576, p.60-62 (2014).
23.  Realization of PbS thin films by reactive evaporation technique for possible opto electronic applications. Abhilash A., Aparna S Nair, Rajasree S., Hiba Rahman E and B. Pradeep. Proc. of the 59th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, VIT University, Vellore, Dec 16-20, 2014. p. 185-186

Article in book:
1. Valence band splitting in CuInSe2 and the related ordered vacancy compounds CuIn3Se5, CuIn5Se8 and CuIn7Se12, Rachel Reena Philip, B. Pradeep and T. Shripathi, Trends in Semiconductor research, Thomas B Elliot (ed.), pp.33-61, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (2005).